快譯通付費 App 系列新春大特價~!2/8 起至 2/29 止,所有快譯通付費 App 全面特價供應,機會難得,千萬不要錯過噢~!
1. 可查近9萬個詞條。
2. 提供英漢、漢英雙向查詢及瀏覽
3. 發音清晰自然。(本App不含中文發音)
4. 目前唯一提供英文快速交查英英字義與快速發音之功能。
5. 生字本功能,使用者可建立自己的生字本方便複習。
6. 歷史紀錄瀏覽,可開啟查詢過的字詞資料。
7. 提供背景選擇及字體縮放功能,使用者可依喜好自由調整。
8. 支援iOS4多工,在iOS4以上系統,程式可在背景執行,方便下次快速啟動。
9. 支援 iOS7 系統鍵盤與使用介面。
Instant Professional Dictionary Series provides Electronic Mechanics and Computer Professional Dictionary, Medical and Nursing Professional Dictionary, Engineering Professional Dictionary, Biology, Physics and Chemistry Professional Dictionary and Finanial Professional Dictionary. Each contains huge amount of entries and provides the most natural pronunciation (text-to-speech). This is THE best reference for your study!
Instant Financial Professional Dictionary consists of Business and Finance entries from Dictionary of Marketing, Banking, Insurance, Trading, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics and Law. Huge amount of entries with the clearest text-to-speech sound and the most user-friendy interface. You would love it as soon as you use it!
Instant Financial Professional Dictionary provides:
1. nearly 90,000 entries.
2. English-Chinese and Chinese-English cross-check.
3. the clearest text-to-sound English pronunciation.
4. fast cross-checking (English-English) and pronunciation.
5. wordbook for users to review new words.
6. history for users to check the inquery history.
7. the function for zooming the font size.
8. supporting iOS4 multi tasking. The App can be executed in the background for fast execution for future use in the system later than iOS4.
9. supporting iOS7 keyboard and user interface.